Our training courses are primarily delivered by Bal Kaur Howard, and where client’s request additional training outside the selection listed on Our Training Services page, other suitable trainers may be used to meet individual needs.
Bal Kaur Howard
Bal has been advocating on the issues of BME women and men on domestic violence, honour based crimes (Forced Marriage & Female Genital Mutilation) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) since 2008.
She has developed and delivers training for front-line practitioners in Health, Social Care, Police, Education and the voluntary sector throughout England and Wales in the subjects of Domestic Abuse, Risk Assessment, Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Radicalisation / Extremism, Modern Day Slavery and Addiction.
Bal is trained to deliver Child Sexual Exploitation using professional tools with students (year 9 upwards) and professionals to talk about “healthy relationships” as part of the Relationship Sex Education (RSE) guidance in schools.
Employed by Suffolk Constabulary for 7½ years as a Project & Performance Officer for Honour Based Violence (Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation) in a countywide Domestic Abuse Unit, Bal was responsible for developing policies, procedures and training for police officers and partner agencies to enhance the service to victims and potential victims. For 3 years she was based within the CSE / Child Investigation Abuse Unit.
She has 12 years of sales experience in various industry sectors, such as telecommunications, information technology, software, recruitment, commercial property and utilities. She also has, 10 years of experience in the Export/Import industry.
Bal was born in India and was brought to Britain aged one. She was forced into marriage at the age of 17 in Darlington and forced to sponsor her husband for permanent residency in the UK. She went back to education at the age of 26 after escaping from her forced marriage and subsequently has been disowned by her family for over 20 years. She now has two Diplomas – one in Export Management and one in Business & Finance.
Bal is keen to share her experiences, being the voice of the victims and survivors who experience crimes rooted in the name of honour, giving practical and emotional support. She raises awareness with agencies to reduce the isolation of victims and to increase reporting. In Bal’s words “I refuse to take my past into the future and regard myself to be an empowered survivor- my darkest past is now my greatest possession”.
Bal was a volunteer with Karma Nirvana from December 2007 to December 2008 after reading Jasvinder Sanghera’s book “Shame”. Her experience is also featured in Jasvinder’s 2nd book “Daughters of Shame”.
She has also been nominated twice at the IKWRO True Honour Awards (2012 & 2014) and completed her Award in Education and Training Level 3 (formerly PTLLS) in 2014.
In October 2016, at the first BME Suffolk Business Awards, Bal Kaur Howard (BKH Training) was announced Winner of the “Judges Special Award 2016” and also received a Nomination for the “Business Person of the Year 2016”. In November 2018, Bal was recognised by the East Anglian Daily Times as one of Suffolk’s 100 most inspirational women (Link Here).
Bal Kaur Howard Training is always delighted to obtain feedback from trainees in order to provide training sessions of the highest possible standard. One of our clients subsequently wrote to us after attending an Honour Based Violence / FGM course in London:
“Firstly I must say that the course facilitator Ms Bal Howard was excellent throughout the day. Furthermore her knowledge in this subject area was first class and I appreciated how well the course was balanced which allowed all participant’s to contribute to this amazing training course.
During my many years as a professional I have attend a number of training courses, which many I would rather forget. However this course really touched and helped me to understand and appreciate the scale of the problem caused by Honour Based Violence & FGM.
I would recommend this course to all professionals who are currently working with children & families as having the knowledge and understanding gained from this course could save many from the suffering anguish and lifelong emotional distress that these subject areas can cause.”