Exploring domestic abuse, substance misuse and mental health [BKH09]
This one-day course looks at the problems families face when parenting capacity is affected by mental health, domestic abuse and also substance misuse issues; either just one or all three issues.
Learning Objectives:
The first half of the course will focus upon the impact of domestic abuse.
• To explore the complexities and dynamics of abusive relationships and its impact on victims, including children
• To consider the cycle of abuse, a ‘victim’s journey’ and the reasons why victims stay in abusive relationships
• “Leaving” DVD – explore gains and losses of leaving a relationship
• To challenge the common myths, stereotypes and social tolerance of the different forms of domestic abuse
• To identify practical issues and cultural sensitivity/community beliefs to enable effective support of victims in responding to the threat, harm and risk of abuse.
The afternoon session will explore the topic of substance misuse / addiction – is it a choice?
• To explore the complexities and myths of addiction and behaviour, including definition
• To understand that addiction is a brain disorder
• To explore the impact of addiction on society – who does it affect?
• To consider the impact on children / families
• To understand the drug/alcohol agencies and meeting their “Tier” system
• To explore how health and social care can work with addiction – family interventions
Throughout the day, the course will intertwine domestic abuse and addiction with an understanding of mental health issues, allowing delegates to consider the stigma, and what professionals can do to support as well as looking at how mental health issues can impact the ‘family dynamic’, the impact on the family, the families strengths, difficulties and building resilience.
Be sure to also check out our increasingly popular online training courses, where learning can be done remotely. To find out more, please click on the link here.