Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a form of child abuse and violence against women and girls, and therefore should be dealt with as part of existing child and adult protection structures, policies and procedures. This training course provides the opportunity to explore practical ways to create an open and supportive environment and also allows local issues to be explored, as well as an opportunity for discussion.
The objectives of this course include:
• To enable individuals to understand why FGM happens and recognise the types of FGM and potential community issues
• To explore the impact on health of FGM on victims, including children – Survivor Stories
• To identify risk indicators before / after FGM has taken place
• To increase awareness of the Serious Crime Act 2015 legislation; includes Mandatory Reporting Duty for Health / Education / Social Care, FGM Protection Orders, Offence of failing to protect girls from risk of genital mutilation
• Assessing and managing risk to increase safety of victims and children
• To increase individual’s knowledge of the resources and support services available
Be sure to also check out our increasingly popular online training courses, where learning can be done remotely. To find out more, please click on the link here.