Half Day or Full Day (Depending on the Objectives) [BKH17]
90-minute awareness, half day (engaging, activity led and interactive), or full day (immersive learning experience, with real-time scenarios).
**This course is CPD Accredited **

The course brings greater awareness and understanding to abuse that takes place here in the UK, affecting thousands of people every year, delivered by a leading expert in the area.
The objectives of this course include:
- Learn what Spiritual and ritual abuse is.
- RRRM process (Recognise, Report, Refer, Manage)
- Cultural awareness of beliefs, superstitions and spirituality
- Understanding our own beliefs and why they are important to us.
- Understand how this abuse is embedded in other forms of abuse.
- Review of case studies & learning from them so we do not continue to make the same errors in judgement.
- Understand different terminology related to different beliefs and spiritualities.
- Review key reporting statistics of SARA in the United Kingdom
- Understand key significant indicators to recognise this abuse.
- Learn how to confidently manage a report of SARA.
- Effective communication styles that support victim/survivors of SARA.
- Learn how to develop an impactful referral through proven techniques to ensure other agencies act on your concern.
- Doubt Based Advocacy – DBA
- Scenario based learning – taken from actual investigations led by the facilitator with over 20 years’ experience supporting victim/survivors of this abuse directly, and working with partner agencies.
For further information about our courses, to arrange training sessions, or if you have any other enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us either via the contact form here or via the email link below.
Be sure to also check out our increasingly popular online training courses, where learning can be done remotely. To find out more, please click on the link here.